Why the world is pivoting to no-code solutions post-2020

Haneefa Abdulla
5 min readFeb 15, 2021


Our world has witnessed and is living through a once in a lifetime phenomenon. Many businesses have folded, much is at the brink of bankruptcy. But the major winners among businesses were successful in pivoting their work and adopting a swift digital transformation.

While it may now seem obvious, this digital transformation was hugely reliant on the IT team before 2020. Strenuous edits and iterations were made only when it came to client-facing applications, and the barrier to making apps was huge. Developers had their time stretched thin even before the pandemic, so stressing for apps for internal usage was always a second priority.

Post lockdown, the gap between domain experts and developers has widened even further. While tech-savvy members of teams — the citizen developers — had a huge barrier in creating responsive apps, the tech industry is witnessing a major disruption with the introduction of no-code app creation platforms.

Let’s see how no-code is the way forward and how capable it is to transform your business within weeks, if not a couple of days.

The case for no-code

Times have changed. Your business may have required countless meetings to fix minor issues with clients before. If not customers, businesses now yearn to create even more apps for internal use. Running everything or at least part of the work online or remote requires a lot of company data to be managed among teams from around the world.

Thus, businesses that have made or are in their phase of digital transformation are in need of systems that could help them create responsive iterations and super quick solutions that do not take a lot of lead time to start with.

Customers today expect solutions that are doubly thought of and in half the time. This requires teams to have fast iterations and faster mode of work. The best way to handle this is to democratize coding, by getting more hands into building solutions independently, without depending on developers to get their solutions ready.

How quick is it?

It’s no kidding when we say you can build apps in a matter of hours. For people who understand how their business works, it’s easier to create flowcharts of actions that a suitable application may need. No code platforms take away their need to know coding to get their apps live.

No-code doesn’t mean there isn’t any code in the app at all. It basically means that every block of a feature that the user clicks on is a ‘prebuilt can of code’ ready to be reused again and again. Built with commonly used frameworks that are quite commonplace for developers, further customization of these apps is also possible in the long run.

Moreover, most of the latest low-code and no-code platforms also support machine learning and AI functionalities for scaling up, should there be a need for massive growth for the app in the future. Combining these capabilities with natural language-based interfaces could create a world of opportunities for citizen developers within your organization.

How does it address the reliability problem?

All no-code platforms offer improved access control for the applications created via their platforms. This means that companies can rely more on these internal applications without the fear of any sensitive data breach. SaaS businesses can reap the most benefits using rapidly built applications that can be safely used with clients and within their work facilities without spending heavily on security solutions.

Applications or solutions created through no-code platforms are stored in the cloud for their utmost safety and shareability. This avoids the data getting localized into remote systems and reduces the chances of losing data.

Know that no-code is not a solution for a fully customized complex application, but a democratized coding method where members of an organization can safely engage with building their niche solution without having any development background.

When should you make the change?

No-code platforms are not yet equipped with the tools to create highly customized and complex applications that could replace developer built gargantuan applications. But it could solve much of your organization’s imminent and rapid challenges.

When your team requires systems to be built that could have responsive and rapid iterations, without the barrier of coding, you must think of low-code or no-code platforms. It is just like how WordPress took away the need for website owners to learn coding to build their websites. Platforms such as Undaku take away the need to depend on developers to build interactive forms, apps, and other database management systems.

With the pandemic, work has truly gone remote, and much of the data handling requires fixes within weeks, if not days. With no-code, your team gets equipped to solve challenges collaboratively without location or framework barriers.

Undaku has got you covered

Combining all the essentials of problem-solving and updating, Undaku is a rapidly growing platform in terms of features and functionalities. Users can use its intuitive interface and start building their custom solutions in no time.

And the best part, there is literally no lead time between ideation and developing applications as each ideation step can be backed up by a corresponding feature to see the changes in real-time. As our user community grows, you can check out pre-build solutions or feature sets to use in your system, reducing the overall time for solving your challenge.

You can test all your features as you add them to your application, check and streamline the process and publish them without the need for testing teams. For all the list of features, try Undaku for free.

Summing up

Github’s CEO Chris Wanstrath confirms, “The future of programming isn’t coding at all”. By this, he is not promoting a world where no one codes. Instead, solutions would no longer require huge lead times or thousands of lines of code written from scratch for each individual solution.

As our world is slowly making its shift towards open-source code, much of all that an organization would need could be obtained with less time spent writing code, but rather finding the right code.

No-code platforms do exactly that. They create blocks of the most relevant features using robust code and represent them using natural language for anyone to easily understand what the underlying code does. This is how we transcend the barriers of code while not underestimating the power of core programming solutions.

